Sophia Gilinas

Executive Producer ‘Behind The Sash’, Fashion Designer, Entrepreneur, and Author – ‘Who am I? Why am I here? What is my Life Purpose’

Sophia Gilinas

Creating our true reality 
How to attract love, joy and abundance into our life
Life Survival through Adversity
Self Love
Manifestation Techniques

Clarity on why they are not achieving Abundance in their life
Learned how to get rid of the obstacles we put in place to stop our own growth
Discovered the steps to self love and taking your power back and becoming a conscious creator.

Having come to Australia as a young child, immigrating with her family from Greece, Sophia’s personal life story has all the makings of an inspirational documentary.  Throughout the trials and tribulations, Sophia followed the path of what was ‘expected’ in life from family however had a deep knowing that there was something more…something greater planned for her life.

Having endured both success in business however equally, the failure of her long term marriage Sophia discovered that ‘plan’ and has lived her life accordingly ever since.

As the Executive Producer of the highly successful television series – ‘Behind The Sash’, she is also an author, inspirational Keynote speaker and passionate advocate for positive change in life.

Her unique speaking style is both engaging and empowering.

Click the image below to listen for Sofia Gilinas Podcast