Melody Horrill

Author, Award Winning Australian Journalist, Television Presenter and Documentary Producer.


Melody Horrill is a published author, an award-winning Australian journalist, television presenter and documentary producer, with more than 20 years’ experience in broadcast media both in Australia and overseas. She has been a keynote speaker and MC at multiple events including the Pride of Australia Awards, Port Adelaide Football Club Chairmans Luncheons, SAPOL Victims of Crime Breakast, Myer/Spring Racing Carnival functions, SA Health workshops, along with hosting and speaking at numerous fund-raising events for charities such as the Animal Welfare League, Heart Foundation and Royal Zoological Association of SA. She has also presented to multiple schools. In addition, she has developed and presented dozens of workshops focusing on effective media and communication strategies and impactful writing for organisations such as the Bureau of Meteorology, Real Estate Institute, Alexandra Health and Flinders Medical Centre.

Melody’s passion is sharing her story about growing up with domestic violence and how she gained resilience, strength and understanding through connecting with nature – in particular, a wild, injured dolphin. 

The importance of support
The importance of connecting with the natural world 

In June 2022, her memoir, A dolphin called Jock (website: was released by Australian publishers, Allen and Unwin to rave reviews. Since then, Melody has been undertaking numerous radio, television and newspaper interviews in Australia and overseas. Her memoir has been featured in the Australian Women’s Weekly, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian, The Advertiser and was the front cover story for the Police Journal. Her book will be published in the U.S next year.

Melody has spent much of her life lobbying for the protection of Adelaide’s Port River dolphins. After leaving University, she founded a not-for-profit to raise public awareness about the dolphins and their environment. This helped lead to the creation of Australia’s first Dolphin Sanctuary in the mid-2000’s.

Melody is well known in Southern Australia for her passionate writing and filming about the wild dolphins in South Australia’s polluted Port River. One of her many documentaries – A Dance with a Dolphin – was broadcast nationally and then the across the world on CNN, with Melody presenting it from the US.

As a broadcast journalist, Melody specialized in writing and presenting environment and science feature stories for many Australian TV news networks. She was also the South Australian Correspondent for CNN’s International World Report. She is an honorary member of CNN’s International Professional Program.

Melody also presented the weekday weather reports on two television networks for well over a decade and won the Better Hearing Australia Award for Best Presenter along with the Archbishop’s Citation for Outstanding Journalism. She was also a finalist in Australia’s Voiceless Awards.

Melody has since relocated to Melbourne and left the media but has continued campaigning for the dolphins. For the past six years she worked as a Media and Communications Manager for the Australian Government, where she won an Australia Day Merit Award for her outstanding communication work during the devastating 2019-2020 Bushfires before leaving the organization to start work on her memoir. Her ongoing concern for the plight of the dolphins and desire to offer hope to victims of domestic violence are at the core of why she finally decided to pen her story.

Click the image below to listen for Melody Horrill Podcast

I Have had the pleasure of watching Melody Horrill, on our TV, for years.

I have also seen her present at many different functions over the years.

Last year I had her on my Radio show and Podcast. Happy Business Radio.
She mentioned that she was writing a book. So, we have kept in touch, and I have had her back on the show.

It is my pleasure to give Melody Horrill an endorsement and I highly recommend her as a professional speaker.

Melody has many years of presenting on TV and other functions, her confidence and
her presentation skills are just what people can relate with. Melody has such an easy pleasant personality that gives her so much credibility.

When Melody talks about domestic violence, she does so from an authentic place, she has lived it. So, people can really relate to what she talks about.

When Melody talks about the Port River Dolphin’s, you know that it helped her heal – her passion shines through.

When Melody talks about her past it is not as a victim but as someone that has been there and has come through with Flying colours. Her story helps people and inspires them to start their own healing.

Melody can tailor her messages to suit any audience, in any industry.
Her message is of Hope and Resilience and Love and Joy.
What better message is there?

If you are looking for a speaker with a great message and inspiration.
You can’t go past Melody Horrill.

Peter Salerno

Author, Professional Speaker, Laughter Therapist

“Melody Horrill is a lively, energetic, and engaging presenter. Her personal story is compelling enough to hold the audience’s attention on its own merits, but she matches that with her public speaking skills, her passion for her subject and the professionalism in her approach. Those who have read Melody’s recent book will be happy to discover that she speaks as well as she writes, and that she is also good at engaging with other people’s own stories. Melody genuinely cares for the people around her and the environment that we live in, and inspires others to do the same.

Dr Andrew Tupper

Principal, Natural Hazards Consulting