Donna Sharam

Artist, Designer, Successful Business Woman

Donna Sharam

Donna Sharam was invited to be guest speaker at the Quota Alstonville Club’s Friendship Function held last March. Donna was excellent and left the audience laughing and wanting to know more.

Donna is a very inspiring speaker, using props and audience participation when delivering her message. She spoke about herself and her journey through her University days and then her career in design to finally becoming the artist she is today. She has many amusing anecdotes that reflect her enthusiasm and attitude to life.

Her artwork is commissioned by people from all over the world, from family pet portraits to commercial works for international corporates and her stories of these relationships are both hilarious and touching.

In partnership with Maxwell & Williams, her works are depicted on many of their products and her understanding of good business relationships is evident.

Most of all Donna has empathy and has been working on many charity fundraising efforts for many years.

We highly recommend Donna as an interesting and colourful speaker.

Members – Quota Alstonville Inc.
PO Box 456
Alstonville Wollongbar 2477

Quota is a group of my friends who are volunteering their time to make an impact in their community and others around the world

Donna Sharam
My Art is for Everyone

Donna Sharam is an Australian based artist and designer. Her home and studio can be found in the rolling hills and huge skies of the world-renowned Byron Bay hinterland. Donna’s art can be found in homes from London to Milan to Miami and beyond.
Donna’s paintings explode with colour and joyful images. Inspired by a combination of her vivid imagination and observation of the natural world around her, they directly reflect her zest for life.

Her use of gestural brushstrokes, spontaneous mark making, emotive colours and action painting techniques create works that are highly individual in execution and style.

While Donna’s work is not confined to any single school of painting her images are reminiscent of fauvist expressionism, known for its use of luminous, pure colours and bold, distinctive brushwork.

Donna Says
“As for my painting, I think the brush merely tints the canvas: it is imagination that produces art. I have always been drawn to the quirky and different. ‘Normal’ is not a word I use. My work owes nothing to tradition: I paint with joy and passion and my art is for everyone”.

Donna has had many artistic influences in her life. Two that stand out are Yayoi Kusama and Friedrich Hundertwasser for their use of colour, motifs and imagination in a non-traditional way “

Products featuring Donna’s art sell worldwide, her collaboration with the iconic Australian brand Maxwell Williams has seen multi-million products featuring her art sold in over 20 countries.

“Donna was excellent and left the audience laughing and wanting to know more. Donna is a very inspiring speaker, using props and audience participation when delivering her message.  She spoke about herself and her journey through her University days and then her career in design to finally becoming the artist she is today.  She has many amusing anecdotes that reflect her enthusiasm and attitude to life.

Her artwork is commissioned by people from all over the world, from family pet portraits to commercial works for international corporates and her stories of these relationships are both hilarious and touching.

 In partnership with Maxwell & Williams, her works are depicted on many of their products and her understanding of good business relationships is evident.

 Most of all Donna has empathy and has been working on many charity fundraising efforts for many years.

 We highly recommend Donna as an interesting and colourful speaker

Danielle Gordon

Executive Manager, Marketing & Communications JUNCTION - Freedom To Thrive

Donna is an artist, designer and successful business woman.
Yes, both sides of her brain work!

Her talks usually revolve around these topics and her creative journey, as well as how her positive mental attitude is the key driver to her success.

Donna is an experienced motivational presenter, she has talked to many groups, some as large as 300 people. These events include product launches, charity fundraising events and business groups. Donna’s talks are always enthusiastically received.

Audience Reaction

Invites people on stage.
Uses props
Uses Humour
Uses Aspirational language

BA Textile & Design – Sydney College of the Arts.
DipED – Charles Sturt University.
Cert IV Business Management – Lismore TAFE

Click the image below to listen for Donna Sharam Podcast